miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2009

Here come de judge...but I ain't afraid.

Autonomous community politicians throughout Spain will be delighted to learn that they can accept expensive presents from anyone, however shady the character of the gift giver may be and irrespective of how much public money may be engrossing his offshore bank B account. Isn't that good news? You and I may not agree but that is basically what the decision by the Valencian supreme court to file the corruption proceedings against President Camps insisting that there was no proof that the gifts, not only suits, expensive toys, watches,Louis Vuitton bags and a large etc of expensive goodies so generously handed out to important members of the Valencian Popular Party by flamboyant head of 'Orange Market' Don Alvaro Perez had any cause-effect relationship with the multi million € contracts adjudicated to him by by this administration over the last few years. And how did the supreme tribunal come to this surprising decision? When the scandal first hit the media Presi' Camps denied all knowledge of Orange Market and Alvaro Perez. When photos linking them on various occasions, both publicly and .especially, privately, Camps was forced to admit their close friendship. Then the suits. " I didn't receive any suits, I pay for all my clothes." Nothing of the sort. The court found that the offending tailor mades were indeed gifts from the philanthropic Mr Perez. So I ask myself, "if there was no cause effect relationship between gifts and public contracts, WHY LIE? All very mysterious isn't it,? Or is it?
It happens that the Valencian Supreme court consists of three learned magistrates and it also happens that these magistrates are political appointments. If ,therefore, we take into account the fact that in the final two to one decision in favour of filing the process against Camps i.e. his not having to stand trial, the two judges in favour were not only known right wingers but also, and sinisterly, in the case of the presiding magistrate,Judge Juan Luis de la Rua, a well known personal friend of the Camps family...Sunday paellas etc. etc. It would be dangerous to my reputation to procede along these lines any further so I will leave it to my reader's imagination or mathematics to put two and two together. The saddest part of this whole scandalous Greek tragedy is that this TOTAL LACK OF DEMOCRACY AND ABJECT FAILURE OF THE JUDICIARY took place not in a banana republic, Hugo Chaves's Venezuela or Mugabe's Zimbabwe for example ,but right here in the Valencian Communioty in the modern Spain which, even as I write ,is preening itself to be admitted into the all powerful G8 group of economic potencies.

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