Are you a guiri? an expat? enjoying a better life in a better climate? Are you popular? With the Spanish community or just with your fellow countrymen and women?I suspect that many of you are missing out on a whole lot of information that could help you to become REALLY integrated in this generally beautiful (and on occasions very ugly)country called Spain. How much do you know about your host country? Why are the Spanish people like they are.? What makes THEM tick? What do they and what don`t they like about you? How is your local community governed? and your comarca? your autonomous community? Who is getting rich at your expense? Is public money, your money, being spent wisely on concepts that you consider important? If you get your information from Sky and the local free newspapers in English or Deutch you will no doubt be up to date in matters varying from Coronation street to Gordon Brown`s personality deficit and whatever else may be going on "back home" in the country that YOU LEFT BEHIND. So what use is this information to you? You don`t live there any more. YOU LIVE HERE. This blog is designed to tear down the walls of ignorance and with YOUR help open up a whole new understanding of what the issues are, who the people are, what is right,what isn`t right and how it all works. HERE. Right here in our host country. So stop saying that "back home it`s all gone to the dogs" and wise up to why and how your new adoptive home country might just be going in the same direction.
This blog will contain OPINIONS. Some may NOT be POLITICALLY CORRECT although every attempt will be made to NEVER resort to personal insult. It is hoped that YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS will maintain the same criterion and if not they will be excluded. This is a FORUM where the REAL ISSUES in our municipalities, comarcas and communities can be aired OPENLY. Alone this task would be impossible. With YOUR help this can become an interesting and widely consulted blog and,who knows, we may even be able to solve one or two problems and not just moan about it. So, to anyone who has read this far let me welcome you to this new blog knowing that unity is strength.
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