miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2009


In a recent and unprecedented public ballot organised by the mayor of the Valencian town of Paterna, the majority voted AGAINST the use of Bulls in the towns fiestas this year. That may come as a surprise to you as, in fact, it did to me but it is a fact that on the subject of bullfighting the"fiesta national" public opinion is deeply and bitterly divided. At many of the major bullrings around the country protest demonstrations are frequently staged ;at times ending in violence between the pro and anti groups albeit often spurred on by the sensationalist media looking for a good story. Although no national poll has ever been suggested by the government I am confident that ,should it ever take place, the anti bullfighting lobby would win by a considerable majority.
The younger and middle aged Spanish are sick and tired of being tarred by the same bullfighting brush wherever and whenever they travel abroad. From Brussels to Bangkok Spaniards are fed up to the back teeth of hearing outraged critics of this practise spoiling their otherwise idyllic tourism. Most Spaniards do not go to bull fights. Most Spaniards wouldn't go to a bull fight if they were paid to. Those who do go to bullfights are mostly well into their middle age, the majorityof whom are right wingers whose Frankist parents indoctrinated them in this barbaric practise and are too thick skinned to even consider changing their ways. Having said this ,of course, any up and coming young creeper on the vine of right wing politics would HAVE to be seen at the important events to help his progress through the ass-licking jungle of the post Franco right wing. If my words offend anyone who is not a) right wing, b)brain dead c)employed in the multi million€ bullfighting industry, and actually ENJOYS WATCHING NOBLE ANIMALS BEING TORTURED TO DEATH then I am very pleased to have offended you.
If then,like me and the majority of Spanish people you are against this sad and indefensible anachronism, don't be too worried. IT IS ON ITS WAY OUT: In two generations ,mark my words, BULLFIGHTING WILL DISAPPEAR like urban zoos and cock fighting

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